Australian Authorities Intensify Crackdown on Dangerous "Date Rape Drug" Importation and Misuse

May 31, 2024
Australian Authorities Intensify Crackdown on Dangerous "Date Rape Drug" Importation and Misuse
  • Australian authorities are intensifying efforts to combat the illegal importation and misuse of the drug butanediol, also known as 'bute' or the 'date rape drug'.

  • Since its classification as a border-controlled drug, over 4,200 liters of bute have been seized in Sydney, including a significant seizure of 660 liters in early May 2024.

  • Bute, originally an industrial chemical for plastic production, can be converted into gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), a drug linked to sexual assaults and overdoses.

  • Reports indicate an increasing association of bute with date-rape cases, prompting authorities to target importers and distributors.

  • The drug is often smuggled in beauty products and food items from countries like China, raising concerns about criminal groups profiting from its distribution.

  • Importing a commercial quantity of bute could lead to life imprisonment, and the community is urged to remain vigilant about its dangers and avoid supporting illegal activities.

Summary based on 3 sources

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Crackdown on dangerous ‘date rape’ drug

The Sydney Morning Herald • May 29, 2024

Crackdown on dangerous ‘date rape’ drug

Crackdown on dangerous ‘date rape’ drug

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