PM Defends Immigration Minister Amid Detainee Crisis, Calls for Tighter Measures on High-Risk Offenders

May 30, 2024
PM Defends Immigration Minister Amid Detainee Crisis, Calls for Tighter Measures on High-Risk Offenders
  • Immigration Minister Andrew Giles faces intense pressure to address detainee crisis and revise rules for violent criminals.

  • Prime Minister Anthony Albanese defends Giles in parliament amid calls for his dismissal.

  • Controversy arises over reinstatement of visas for offenders such as rapists and paedophiles.

  • Giles is working on a new directive that prioritizes community safety and reviews applications for preventative detention.

  • Despite criticism from some Labor MPs, Giles remains committed to his role.

  • Home Affairs department under scrutiny for immigration detention failings and lack of supervision for released offenders.

  • Government urged to tighten measures for high-risk offenders to restore public trust and address public safety concerns.

Summary based on 5 sources

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