Scarlett Johansson Condemns OpenAI for Unauthorized Use of AI Voice Resembling Hers

May 27, 2024
Scarlett Johansson Condemns OpenAI for Unauthorized Use of AI Voice Resembling Hers
  • OpenAI faced backlash from Scarlett Johansson for using an AI voice resembling hers in a ChatGPT demo.

  • Johansson had previously rejected OpenAI's request to use her voice.

  • Her lawyers contacted OpenAI for clarification on how the voice was created.

  • Following the contact, OpenAI removed the voice from the demo.

  • CEO Sam Altman referenced the film 'Her' in response to the controversy.

  • The incident underscores challenges in replicating human likeness in AI.

  • It also highlights the importance of obtaining clear consent from individuals.

Summary based on 7 sources

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