Anasuya Sengupta Makes History as First Indian to Win Best Actress at Cannes' Un Certain Regard

May 27, 2024
Anasuya Sengupta Makes History as First Indian to Win Best Actress at Cannes' Un Certain Regard
  • Indian actress Anasuya Sengupta becomes the first Indian to win the Best Actress award in the Un Certain Regard segment at the Cannes Film Festival for her role in The Shameless.

  • Bollywood celebrities such as Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh have congratulated her on this historic achievement.

  • The film The Shameless follows the story of Renuka, played by Anasuya, who escapes from a brothel and forms a bond with a young girl involved in prostitution.

  • Anasuya initially aspired to be a journalist but found success as a production designer in Mumbai before transitioning to acting.

  • She dedicated her award to marginalized communities worldwide, emphasizing solidarity and the fight for equality.

  • The film was shot in Nepal and Mumbai, showcasing Anasuya's talent and determination.

  • Anasuya expressed gratitude for the support she received and looked forward to reuniting with her family.

  • This achievement highlights her talent and marks a milestone for Indian actors on the international stage.

  • The entire team behind The Shameless is celebrating the win, which signifies global recognition of Indian talent in cinema.

Summary based on 4 sources

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