Tech Giants Unite in Seoul: Global Pledge for Safe and Transparent AI Development

May 24, 2024
Tech Giants Unite in Seoul: Global Pledge for Safe and Transparent AI Development
  • Global tech leaders and major companies, including Microsoft, OpenAI, Google, Amazon, and Meta, convened at the AI Seoul Summit to focus on AI safety and transparency.

  • The summit led to the creation of the 'Seoul AI Corporate Pledge' by 16 companies, which includes commitments to assess risks, set thresholds for intolerable risks, and implement kill switches for AI systems.

  • World leaders agreed to establish a network of safety institutes to advance AI research and testing.

  • The U.N. Secretary-General called for universal guardrails and regular dialogue on AI to prevent a dystopian future.

  • Despite trust issues with companies, such as OpenAI using Scarlett Johansson's voice without permission, the new agreements stress collaboration and transparency in addressing AI risks.

  • Governments worldwide are also developing AI regulations to address concerns like job loss, disinformation, and bioweapon creation.

  • This initiative underscores the importance of global cooperation and international standards in AI governance, setting a precedent for responsible AI development and deployment.

Summary based on 13 sources

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