Over 50% of Mangroves at Risk: Urgent Action Needed to Prevent Collapse and Carbon Emissions

May 23, 2024
Over 50% of Mangroves at Risk: Urgent Action Needed to Prevent Collapse and Carbon Emissions
  • A global assessment by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) highlights over 50% of mangrove ecosystems are at risk of collapse.

  • Major threats include deforestation, development, pollution, and climate change, with dam construction also contributing.

  • The potential collapse of mangroves by 2050 could release 1.8 billion tons of stored carbon, worth at least USD 13 billion in carbon markets.

  • Climate change and rising sea levels are projected to submerge 25% of global mangrove areas in the next 50 years, affecting regions like the Northwest Atlantic and South China Sea.

  • Mangroves are crucial for mitigating climate change effects and providing services such as coastal disaster risk reduction.

  • Urgent and coordinated conservation efforts are necessary to protect mangrove habitats and maintain their ecosystem integrity.

Summary based on 9 sources

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