New Earth-Size Exoplanet Found Orbiting Red Dwarf, 55 Light-Years Away

May 16, 2024
New Earth-Size Exoplanet Found Orbiting Red Dwarf, 55 Light-Years Away
  • Astronomers have discovered an Earth-size exoplanet, SPECULOOS-3 b, 55 light-years away, orbiting an ultracool red dwarf star.

  • This discovery is only the second planetary system found around a red dwarf, following the Trappist-1 system.

  • SPECULOOS-3 b was identified by the SPECULOOS project, which searches for rocky exoplanets around nearby ultracool stars.

  • Despite being Earth-size, SPECULOOS-3 b has a rapid orbit with a year lasting just 17 hours and is likely tidally locked.

  • Red dwarfs like SPECULOOS make up 70% of the Milky Way's stars and have long lifetimes, but SPECULOOS-3 b is inhospitable due to high radiation.

  • The discovery is significant for the future study of red dwarf worlds, especially with the James Webb Space Telescope to assess atmosphere retention on such close-orbiting planets.

  • Findings were reported in Nature Astronomy on May 15, 2024, and while SPECULOOS-3 b is not habitable, it advances our knowledge of planetary characteristics in extreme environments.

Summary based on 11 sources

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