Xenotransplant Pioneer Rick Slayman Passes Away Post Historic Pig Kidney Transplant

May 13, 2024
Xenotransplant Pioneer Rick Slayman Passes Away Post Historic Pig Kidney Transplant
  • Richard 'Rick' Slayman was the first person to receive a genetically modified pig kidney transplant on March 16, 2024.

  • His death has been announced, but the cause and timing are currently unclear.

  • Mr. Slayman had suffered from end-stage kidney disease, Type 2 diabetes, and hypertension, and was on dialysis for several years.

  • There is no indication from Massachusetts General Hospital that the transplant led to his death.

  • His transplant represented a milestone, offering hope to many facing similar health challenges.

  • In related advances, Lisa Pisano of New Jersey also received a genetically modified pig kidney and a mechanical heart pump in April.

  • Further details about Mr. Slayman's death are anticipated to be disclosed to the public.

Summary based on 26 sources

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