London Luxury Home Demand Plummets, Prime Market Feels the Chill

April 4, 2024
London Luxury Home Demand Plummets, Prime Market Feels the Chill
  • Demand for luxury homes in London has declined in the first quarter of the current year.

  • Less than 20% of prime and super-prime homes listed in London are finding buyers.

  • Upcoming changes in tax law, specifically the removal of non-dom status, are anticipated to further dampen the high-end housing market.

  • The prime rental sector is also seeing a decrease in demand, with inquiries dropping by 4% to 8%.

  • Overall, London's prime market demand has fallen by 1.7% in the first quarter and 1.8% over the past year.

  • Super-prime buyer demand has not changed significantly over the quarter but has seen a 5.5% decrease annually.

Summary based on 7 sources

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