Portugal Marks 50 Years Since Carnation Revolution with Nationwide Festivities

April 26, 2024
Portugal Marks 50 Years Since Carnation Revolution with Nationwide Festivities
  • Portugal marked the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution with national events including military ceremonies and discussions on regionalization.

  • President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa acknowledged the revolution's military architects and stressed civilian leadership in the democratic transition.

  • The revolution's enduring significance was highlighted by Lídia Jorge's presentation of a cravo flower, symbolizing the memory of the event.

  • In Aveiro, a parade and chants underscored the lasting relevance of the April 25th revolution and a call to '25 de Abril forever, fascism never again'.

  • The Plataforma de Associações de Aveiro addressed contemporary concerns, such as the rising cost of living, during the celebrations.

  • Contrastingly, some regions like Beja showed a disconnect with the day's significance, evidenced by a shortage of carnations.

Summary based on 36 sources

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