EU Parliament Approves Major Stability Pact Reform for Fiscal Flexibility

April 24, 2024
EU Parliament Approves Major Stability Pact Reform for Fiscal Flexibility
  • On April 23, 2024, the European Parliament passed reforms to the EU stability pact, setting fiscal rules for member nations.

  • The reforms uphold the 60% debt and 3% deficit limits of GDP but include tailored debt reduction requirements for highly indebted countries.

  • Country-specific situations will be considered, offering more flexibility in managing national finances and investments.

  • Stricter debt reduction mandates are set for countries with high debt, like France, to curb their debt growth more effectively.

  • The EU Commission will factor in rising interest payments when assessing fiscal adjustment efforts.

  • Final approval from EU member states is anticipated, with expectations that it will be a formality.

  • The reformed stability pact is expected to be enacted on April 30th, granting countries additional time for fiscal adjustments.

Summary based on 17 sources

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