NSW Faces $12B Shortfall, Risking AAA Credit Rating Amidst GST Revenue Crunch

April 22, 2024
NSW Faces $12B Shortfall, Risking AAA Credit Rating Amidst GST Revenue Crunch
  • NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey has highlighted a forecasted $12 billion revenue shortfall for the state over four years.

  • The shortfall is attributed to a redistribution of GST revenue, which is said to disadvantage NSW more than the financial impact of COVID-19.

  • Mookhey emphasizes prioritizing NSW families over maintaining the state's AAA credit rating in the face of certain downgrade risks.

  • The revenue loss is equivalent to the potential employment of thousands of healthcare workers, teachers, or police officers.

  • A credit rating downgrade from AAA would increase the cost of borrowing for NSW, which is currently rated AAA by both Moody's and Fitch.

  • The Treasurer is advocating for a GST distribution based on population share, supplemented by federal government support for smaller states.

  • NSW is postponing the finalization of crucial funding agreements with the federal government to ensure better terms, particularly for public hospitals and schools.

Summary based on 5 sources

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