Colossal Gaia BH3: Milky Way's Largest Stellar Black Hole Discovered

April 17, 2024
Colossal Gaia BH3: Milky Way's Largest Stellar Black Hole Discovered
  • Astronomers have identified the most massive stellar black hole in the Milky Way, named Gaia BH3, which is about 1,926 light-years away.

  • Gaia BH3 has a mass nearly 33 times that of the sun, positioning it as the second-closest known black hole to Earth.

  • The discovery was enabled by the European Space Agency's Gaia space telescope, with additional ground-based observatory confirmations.

  • Observations suggest that the black hole formed from a metal-poor star, challenging previous beliefs about the origins of massive black holes.

  • The finding offers new insights into how high-mass black holes can form from metal-poor stars, potentially revising astronomical theories.

  • This transformational discovery is reshaping the scientific understanding of black holes and will be further explored when the full Gaia dataset is released in late 2025.

  • The research, published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, underscores the significant contributions of the Gaia mission to astronomy and astrophysics.

Summary based on 39 sources

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