Notre-Dame Reawakens: Iconic Cathedral to Reopen Five Years Post-Blaze

April 16, 2024
Notre-Dame Reawakens: Iconic Cathedral to Reopen Five Years Post-Blaze
  • Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris is set to reopen on December 8th, five years after a devastating fire in 2019.

  • Significant progress in reconstruction includes the rebuilt iconic spire using 70,000 pieces of scaffolding and a new lead roof.

  • The cathedral's exterior will be ready in time for the Paris Olympics, with the surrounding square also receiving a makeover.

  • Restoration efforts involved over 1,000 artisans, 250 companies, and cost nearly 700 million euros, funded by global donations.

  • The project uncovered historical artifacts, such as two sarcophagi, and enabled scientific study.

  • Visitors will have multiple experiences available, including guided tours, an archaeological crypt, and a virtual reality experience.

  • Despite a budget of €550 million, the project is expected to be underspent, with excess funds allocated for further exterior restorations.

  • The cause of the 2019 fire remains under investigation, while fund-raising efforts have amassed €846 million.

  • Future plans include installing modern stained glass windows by 2026 to preserve the cathedral's historical and cultural essence.

Summary based on 7 sources

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