Touch to Heal: Study Reveals Hugs and Massages Boost Health and Happiness

April 15, 2024
Touch to Heal: Study Reveals Hugs and Massages Boost Health and Happiness
  • A meta-analysis by Julian Packheiser's team at Ruhr University Bochum shows touch has positive effects on well-being.

  • The study analyzed data from 137 studies with nearly 13,000 participants, lending credibility to its findings.

  • Results indicate that touch interventions improve physical and mental health for both newborns and adults.

  • Touch from familiar people and healthcare professionals is beneficial for well-being.

  • Hugging and massages help reduce depression, anxiety, and physical pain, with stronger effects in patient groups.

  • Robot massages positively impact physical well-being, but are less effective for mental health.

  • The research underscores the importance of consensual touch in stress relief and overall health.

Summary based on 4 sources

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