H5N1 Bird Flu Jumps to U.S. Cattle: States Impose Movement Restrictions

April 15, 2024
H5N1 Bird Flu Jumps to U.S. Cattle: States Impose Movement Restrictions
  • An outbreak of Type A H5N1 bird flu has impacted over two dozen dairy herds across eight U.S. states, marking the first detection of the virus in cattle.

  • The H5N1 outbreak, initially observed by a drop in milk production in California, has spread to a variety of mammals and chickens, with cases reported in Texas and Michigan.

  • Due to the outbreak, state authorities have initiated cattle import restrictions and advised against unnecessary cattle movement to prevent further spread.

  • There is heightened concern among officials and experts about the virus's potential to evolve and pose a more significant health risk to humans.

  • In response to the disease, actions such as monitoring sick animals and removing infection sources are underway to control its spread.

  • The United States' largest egg producer has suspended operations following bird flu detection in its flocks; however, no risk to the market's eggs or recalls have been reported.

  • Health officials have seen an uptick in raw milk sales, yet they warn against consuming or selling raw milk products from affected cows, emphasizing that only properly treated dairy and eggs are safe.

Summary based on 4 sources

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