Wealth Gap Widens: Sydney's Richest Earners Take Home Over 12%

March 11, 2024
Wealth Gap Widens: Sydney's Richest Earners Take Home Over 12%
  • Income distribution in Sydney is increasingly skewed, with the top 1% in wealthy areas like the eastern suburbs and inner city now earning 12.2% of all personal income.

  • The wealth gap has widened over the past decade, as the top 1% in the east increased their earnings share, contrasting with stable income inequality in the western suburbs.

  • The concentration of high-income jobs in Sydney's CBD and eastern suburbs is a major driver of this disparity, pushing property prices up and exacerbating the cost of living for lower-income residents.

  • Policy intervention is suggested to address the growing income inequality and to support those financially struggling due to these economic conditions.

  • There is a stark contrast in average personal incomes within Sydney, with the highest average in Woollahra at $209,607 and the lowest in Auburn North at $44,283.

  • The disparity is further highlighted by the fact that in Eastwood, the top 1% takes 35.5% of the suburb's income, whereas in the western suburb of Hasselgrove-Plumpton, the top 1% earns just 3.6%.

  • Sydney's position as a central financial and insurance hub for the Asia-Pacific region significantly contributes to the uneven income distribution.

Summary based on 3 sources

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