Intuitive Machines' Nova-C Makes History with Private Moon Landing

February 23, 2024
Intuitive Machines' Nova-C Makes History with Private Moon Landing
  • Intuitive Machines' Nova-C lander, the Odysseus spacecraft, successfully soft-landed on the moon's south pole on February 22, 2024, overcoming a late-stage technical glitch.

  • This event marks the first private lunar soft landing and the first American landing since 1972.

  • Approved by NASA, the 14ft-tall, six-legged lander carried both commercial cargo and NASA science instruments, aligning with the Commercial Lunar Payload Services contracts.

  • The successful mission of the robotic explorer paves the way for NASA's Artemis program, which aims to return astronauts to the moon and eventually to Mars.

  • Despite previous delays in the Artemis program due to technical issues, including a battery flaw, NASA plans for future manned missions to the moon's south pole.

  • The Odysseus mission signifies a new era of space exploration with private companies leading ambitious projects that were once solely the domain of government space agencies.

Summary based on 63 sources

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