NASA's Perseverance Faces Toughest Climb Yet, Collects Vital Samples on Mars' Jezero Crater Rim

October 22, 2024
NASA's Perseverance Faces Toughest Climb Yet, Collects Vital Samples on Mars' Jezero Crater Rim
  • NASA's Perseverance rover is currently engaged in a challenging ascent of the Jezero Crater rim on Mars, a journey that commenced in August 2024.

  • This climb is regarded as the most difficult phase of Perseverance's mission since its landing on Mars in early 2021.

  • While traversing the Summerland Trail, Perseverance continuously observes its surroundings using its SuperCam and Mastcam-Z instruments.

  • The Summerland Trail has been identified as a relatively obstacle-free path to reach the crater rim.

  • Once it reaches a waypoint near Pico Turquino, the rover will conduct proximity science investigations using its PIXL and SHERLOC instruments.

  • The Mars2020 team is focused on documenting the environment during this ascent, while also eager to reach ancient stratigraphy at the crater rim.

  • Among the exploration targets is Witch Hazel Hill, an area believed to contain the oldest Martian crust accessible to the rover.

  • The ascent resembles running up a sandy hill, with the rover experiencing slight slips backward with each forward movement.

  • As it navigates this steep terrain, the rover is diligently collecting rock core samples for future analysis to investigate the potential for past life on Mars.

  • To navigate the challenging slopes of up to 23 degrees, the rover employs an autonomous navigation system, climbing approximately 1,000 feet (305 meters).

  • In addition to the rover's activities, NASA's Mars Odyssey Orbiter has reached a significant milestone in its mission to gather imagery and data from Mars.

  • Meanwhile, NASA is expected to provide an important update regarding Boeing's Starliner spacecraft, which is currently docked at the International Space Station.

Summary based on 2 sources

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