DESI Collaboration Unveils Groundbreaking 3D Universe Map, Questions Dark Energy Constancy

April 10, 2024
DESI Collaboration Unveils Groundbreaking 3D Universe Map, Questions Dark Energy Constancy
  • A team of over 900 researchers, known as the DESI Collaboration, has produced a detailed 3D map of the universe.

  • The map spans 11 billion years of the universe's expansion and was created using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument in Arizona.

  • Findings challenge the prevailing view of dark energy as a constant force, suggesting it may have evolved over billions of years.

  • The discovery raises the possibility that our understanding of basic physics, cosmology, and the universe's destiny may need substantial revision.

  • If dark energy has changed over time, the universe could potentially end in a 'big crunch' instead of expanding indefinitely.

  • The research results are documented in preprint papers and are currently awaiting peer review.

Summary based on 1 source

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