ALMA Reveals R Doradus' Rapid Gas Movement: New Insights into Stellar Convection and Evolution

September 12, 2024
ALMA Reveals R Doradus' Rapid Gas Movement: New Insights into Stellar Convection and Evolution
  • Astronomers tracked the movement of these convective granules, noting that their motion is quicker than what is observed on the Sun.

  • The convection process involves the transport of energy from nuclear fusion in the star's core through large bubbles of hot gas, akin to the functioning of a lava lamp.

  • This convection process plays a crucial role in mixing elements like carbon and nitrogen throughout the star and may contribute to stellar winds.

  • The study revealed that the convection bubbles on R Doradus appear and disappear at a rate much faster than previously predicted, completing a cycle in about one month.

  • Wouter Vlemmings, the study's lead researcher from Chalmers University of Technology, emphasized the unprecedented detail observed in the star's convection process.

  • R Doradus, a red giant star located approximately 180 light-years away in the constellation Dorado, boasts a diameter about 350 times that of the Sun.

  • Utilizing the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, researchers captured unprecedented images of R Doradus, overcoming initial weather-related challenges during observations conducted from early July to early August 2023.

  • These successful observations allowed scientists to create multiple usable images, enabling them to track the movement of gas bubbles on the star's surface over time.

  • The study indicates that convective properties differ among stars at various evolutionary stages, enhancing our understanding of stellar evolution.

  • The findings were published in the journal Nature, marking a significant advancement in the study of stellar dynamics beyond our solar system.

  • Historically, R Doradus has not been extensively studied due to visibility limitations from the northern hemisphere, but ALMA's capabilities have transformed this perspective.

  • This breakthrough not only offers insights into the behavior of R Doradus but may also provide clues about the future of our own Sun.

Summary based on 16 sources

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