Biden Waives Human Rights Conditions, Allocates Full $1.3 Billion Military Aid to Egypt Amid Gaza Conflict

September 12, 2024
Biden Waives Human Rights Conditions, Allocates Full $1.3 Billion Military Aid to Egypt Amid Gaza Conflict
  • The Biden administration has approved its full $1.3 billion military aid allocation to Egypt, waiving congressional conditions related to human rights concerns.

  • US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that military assistance would not be contingent on Egypt's human rights improvements, emphasizing the country's strategic role.

  • This decision is justified by the US government as necessary for national security and regional peace efforts, particularly regarding the ongoing Gaza conflict.

  • The U.S. relies on Egypt to mediate talks between Israel and Hamas, making the aid decision crucial for maintaining stability in the region.

  • Blinken waived conditions on $225 million of the aid, citing Egypt's importance in mediating the Israel-Hamas conflict and U.S. national security priorities.

  • Despite the funding, Blinken acknowledged that Egypt has made progress in releasing political prisoners, which helped secure an additional $95 million in assistance.

  • However, approximately $320 million of military assistance remains conditional, with portions withheld in recent years due to human rights concerns.

  • Concerns persist over the Egyptian government's human rights abuses, including arbitrary killings, torture, and repression of civil society.

  • Human Rights Watch reports that while some political prisoners have been released, many more have been arrested, indicating a net increase in repression.

  • Recent actions by the Egyptian government include the imprisonment of an opposition leader and the prosecution of critics for exercising their freedom of expression.

  • President el-Sisi has denied the existence of political prisoners, justifying strict measures as necessary for combating terrorism.

  • Critics highlight a longstanding disconnect between US statements on human rights and its military support for countries with poor human rights records.

Summary based on 10 sources

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