Insteel Buys Engineered Wire Products for $70M, Expands Midwest Market Reach

October 22, 2024
Insteel Buys Engineered Wire Products for $70M, Expands Midwest Market Reach
  • Insteel Industries has announced its acquisition of Engineered Wire Products (EWP) for $70 million through its subsidiary, Insteel Wire Products.

  • The acquisition was financed using the company's cash reserves, ensuring a smooth transaction.

  • H.O. Woltz III, President and CEO of Insteel, emphasized that this acquisition will enhance the company's geographic reach and bolster its competitive position in the Midwest market.

  • EWP has demonstrated strong financial performance, reporting sales of $93.3 million for the twelve months ending September 30, 2024.

Summary based on 1 source

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