Speed Up Your Golf Game: Expert Tips to Combat Slow Play Without Hurting Your Performance

October 21, 2024
Speed Up Your Golf Game: Expert Tips to Combat Slow Play Without Hurting Your Performance
  • Golf is often plagued by slow play, with professional rounds frequently exceeding five hours, which negatively influences amateur players.

  • Walking the course instead of using a cart can facilitate keeping an extra ball handy without significantly slowing down the game.

  • However, the psychological impact of carrying an extra ball might adversely affect a player's mindset, potentially leading to a cycle of poor shots.

  • While the importance of improving pace of play is acknowledged, it is argued that carrying an extra ball should not be a mandatory requirement for golfers.

  • To enhance the pace of play, golfers can focus on better preparation, limit practice swings, and minimize conversation before their shots.

  • In response to slow play concerns, the USGA has implemented a local rule that allows players to drop a ball near where their first shot was lost, reducing the need to return to the cart.

  • PGA Tour player Ben An recommends that high-handicappers carry an extra ball to the tee, which can help prevent delays from hitting out of bounds.

Summary based on 1 source

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