Wizards of the Coast Takes Over Commander Format Amidst Ban Controversy

October 1, 2024
Wizards of the Coast Takes Over Commander Format Amidst Ban Controversy
  • Wizards of the Coast has taken control of the Commander format for Magic: The Gathering, following significant backlash from recent bans.

  • The controversy began when the Commander Rules Committee banned four major cards—Dockside Extortionist, Jeweled Lotus, Mana Crypt, and Nadu, Winged Wisdom—leading to a tumultuous reaction from the community.

  • Wizards described the week surrounding the bans as 'tumultuous,' highlighting that managing Commander has become too challenging for part-time volunteers.

  • The company condemned the harassment faced by the Rules Committee members, emphasizing that no one should feel unsafe for supporting the game.

  • Committee member Jim Lapage expressed devastation over the decision to transfer management and confirmed he reported the harassment to Wizards.

  • The decision to shift management was announced by both the Commander Rules Committee and Wizards of the Coast in separate statements.

  • Moving forward, the Magic: The Gathering game design team will oversee management and balance changes for the Commander format.

  • Wizards stated that the Rules Committee will still be involved in the format's governance, with plans for a more objective approach to deck power levels.

  • As part of the transition, Wizards is developing a new casual power level descriptor for Commander decks to help players communicate expected card strengths.

  • Wizards has established a Discord community for players and scheduled a livestream to discuss the future of the format.

  • The company has called for community patience as they navigate this transition in management.

  • The Commander format, which originated in the late 1990s and was managed independently for nearly 20 years, is now entering a new era under Wizards' oversight.

Summary based on 4 sources

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