Senator Guerriau Investigated for Drugging and Attempted Assault: Senate in Uproar

September 26, 2024
Senator Guerriau Investigated for Drugging and Attempted Assault: Senate in Uproar
  • Senator Joël Guerriau from Loire-Atlantique is under investigation for allegedly drugging and attempting to sexually assault Deputy Sandrine Josso in November 2023.

  • Josso described her traumatic experience, stating she feared for her life during the incident and is now suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

  • Toxicology tests revealed that Josso had a dangerously high level of ecstasy in her system after attending a private gathering at Guerriau's home.

  • Guerriau was interrogated about suspicious internet searches related to drugs and sexual assault found on his phone, conducted shortly before the allegations.

  • In an interview, Guerriau claimed that resigning would be 'totally unfair' as justice has not yet made a decision regarding the case.

  • While Guerriau has agreed to temporarily step back from his duties, he has not officially resigned, despite pressure from Senate President Gérard Larcher.

  • Former Women's Rights Minister Laurence Rossignol warned that many parliamentarians would refuse to work alongside someone accused of drugging a colleague.

  • Many parliamentarians have voiced their opposition to Guerriau's potential return to the Senate, citing the seriousness of his alleged actions against Josso.

  • Despite plans to return to the Senate on October 1, 2024, Guerriau announced on September 25, 2024, that he would be stepping back from his parliamentary duties.

  • Guerriau has resigned from his position as vice president of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, but he still contemplates his role as Secretary of the Senate.

  • Larcher described the allegations against Guerriau as 'unbearable' and expressed understanding of the emotional response from his fellow senators.

  • The case highlights the serious issue of chemical submission in political circles, with Josso now leading a government mission to combat this phenomenon.

Summary based on 9 sources

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