23 Chinese Swimmers Dodge Sanctions Despite Doping Scandal

April 24, 2024
23 Chinese Swimmers Dodge Sanctions Despite Doping Scandal
  • An investigation has uncovered that 23 Chinese swimmers tested positive for banned substance trimetazidine in early 2021 yet faced no sanctions.

  • The Chinese Anti-Doping Agency claimed contaminated food was the source of the positive tests, but no suspensions were implemented prior to the investigation's report.

  • Despite previous doping scandals involving trimetazidine, WADA did not suspend the athletes, blaming COVID-19 for the inability to hold hearings.

  • The handling of this case, including the absence of immediate transparency and action, contrasts sharply with other instances such as the suspension of Russian skater Kamila Valieva.

  • The leniency shown toward the Chinese swimmers by WADA has been criticized by other anti-doping agencies, prompting calls for a more thorough investigation.

  • The case might lead to legal actions, but a resolution is not expected before the Paris Olympics, with lingering questions about the source of the banned substance.

Summary based on 6 sources

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