New Stealthy RedLine Stealer Variant Targets Crypto Wallets via GitHub and Gaming Lures
April 21, 2024McAfee Labs identifies a new, more covert version of RedLine Stealer malware exploiting Lua bytecode.
The malware spreads through email, malvertising, and exploit kits, aiming at cryptocurrency, VPNs, and browsers.
Infected GitHub repositories disguise the malware as game cheats, deploying it via MSI installer.
RedLine Stealer ensures its longevity on infected systems and allows remote control for data theft and task execution.
GitHub's search feature is being exploited to spread repositories containing the malware.
Recorded Future reports on a Russian cybercrime scheme using fake Web3 gaming offers to distribute malware, especially targeting gamers.
Emerging threats in corporate sectors include PikaBot and NewBot Loader, indicating varied methods and points of attack.
Summary based on 1 source
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The Hacker News • Apr 21, 2024
New RedLine Stealer Variant Disguised as Game Cheats Using Lua Bytecode for Stealth