Belgium's Coalition Struggles: Rising Strikes Reflect Breakdown in Political Dialogue

December 22, 2024
Belgium's Coalition Struggles: Rising Strikes Reflect Breakdown in Political Dialogue
  • While 2023 was not the most tumultuous year in the past twenty-five years, it certainly was not the calmest, reflecting ongoing tensions in the labor landscape.

  • In 2019, Belgium's coalition government was established with a focus on 'concertation' as a fundamental principle.

  • However, despite this broad coalition comprising both left and right parties, there has been a noticeable lack of effective dialogue.

  • This absence of communication contributed to a significant increase in strike days throughout 2023.

  • Strikes have emerged as a means for workers to address unfavorable power dynamics and highlight the failures in communication between differing viewpoints.

Summary based on 1 source

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