Controversial Surgeon William Wall Mooney Cleared to Resume Practice Under Strict Conditions Despite Past Misconduct

August 1, 2024
Controversial Surgeon William Wall Mooney Cleared to Resume Practice Under Strict Conditions Despite Past Misconduct
  • William Wall Mooney, an ear, nose, and throat surgeon, is set to resume practicing medicine after a court ruling.

  • The NSW Court of Appeal rejected the NSW Medical Council's efforts to prevent Mooney from returning to practice.

  • The appeal court criticized the Medical Council's appeal as lacking legal merit and failing to identify specific legal questions.

  • Mooney's medical license was reinstated by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) in March 2024, citing his efforts to address past unethical behavior.

  • NCAT asserted that it was unlikely Mooney would repeat past mistakes and deemed him no risk to public safety.

  • As part of his reinstatement, Mooney will practice under supervision for 12 months, with limited work hours and ongoing psychiatric treatment.

  • Mooney's medical registration was canceled in April 2022 due to serious professional misconduct, including the deaths of two patients linked to his surgeries.

  • One patient died in February 2018 after Mooney failed to properly address post-operative bleeding, and another died in November 2017 due to a botched sinus surgery.

  • Mooney's inappropriate conduct included sending thousands of messages to a vulnerable patient and prescribing weight-loss medication despite her eating disorder.

  • While serving his ban, Mooney was arrested for drug possession in October 2022, receiving a conditional release order without conviction.

  • Mooney's case will return to the tribunal for a final determination of the conditions for his medical registration.

Summary based on 2 sources

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Surgeon to practice again despite past deaths and drugs

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