No Murder Charge in Emma Bates Case Despite Assault Allegations

April 26, 2024
No Murder Charge in Emma Bates Case Despite Assault Allegations
  • The family of Emma Bates learned that the alleged assailant will not face murder charges due to inconclusive autopsy results.

  • Emma Bates, who was a type 1 diabetic and used a mobility scooter, was found dead at her home on the NSW-Victoria border.

  • Bates, remembered for her big heart and pride as an aunt to 17, is the 26th woman to die under violent circumstances in Australia in the current year.

  • John Torney, the man accused of assaulting Bates, faces various charges and will appear in court.

  • Police have highlighted the importance of seeking help for those affected by sexual assault or domestic violence.

  • The case is complicated by Torney's previous acquittal for the murder of a toddler in 2015 and the autopsy's failure to definitively link Bates' injuries to her death, leaving the family in search of justice.

Summary based on 2 sources

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