Rental Market Squeeze: Perth and Sydney Hit by Skyrocketing Rents and Record Low Vacancies

April 11, 2024
Rental Market Squeeze: Perth and Sydney Hit by Skyrocketing Rents and Record Low Vacancies
  • Perth and Sydney are grappling with severe rental crises, characterized by record high rents and low vacancy rates.

  • In Perth, rents for houses and units have soared by 18% and 22% respectively, leading to a median asking rent of $650 per week for houses.

  • The dire rental situation in Perth has resulted in a 44% increase in pet surrender requests due to financial strain.

  • Sydney's rental market is similarly strained with median asking rents of $750 per week for houses and $700 per week for units.

  • Australia's rental market overall is facing the highest quarterly rent increase in nearly 20 years, with a national median of $630 per week for houses.

  • The current rental crisis is due to a combination of high demand and limited supply, exacerbated by insufficient housing construction, including a decline in public housing projects.

  • Experts suggest a healthy vacancy rate of at least 3% is necessary to stabilize rental prices, a figure neither Perth nor Sydney currently meets.

  • In a separate matter, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance is petitioning the Australian government to encourage the US to drop charges against WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, with President Joe Biden considering the request.

Summary based on 6 sources

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