Sudan's Dual Crisis: Conflict and Floods Displace Millions, Escalate Famine and Disease Outbreaks

August 26, 2024
Sudan's Dual Crisis: Conflict and Floods Displace Millions, Escalate Famine and Disease Outbreaks
  • Since April 2023, Sudan has been engulfed in a brutal conflict between the military and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which has severely damaged civilian infrastructure and health services.

  • This conflict has triggered the largest displacement crisis globally, with over 10 million people displaced, including more than 2 million who have fled to neighboring countries.

  • The ongoing humanitarian crisis has been exacerbated by severe flooding, which has resulted in at least 132 fatalities and displaced over 118,000 people this year.

  • Recent torrential rains caused the collapse of the Arbaat Dam in eastern Sudan, leading to flooding that has claimed at least 30 lives and left many missing.

  • While the Sudanese health ministry confirmed four fatalities from the dam collapse, local officials estimate the death toll could be as high as 60.

  • Refugee camps are now overcrowded and also affected by flooding, with aid organizations warning that impassable roads are hindering food transportation.

  • The combination of flooding and ongoing conflict has made it increasingly difficult to control a cholera outbreak, alongside rising cases of other diseases such as dengue fever and meningitis.

  • Cholera is particularly rampant in Kassala, Gedaref, and Jazirah states, where flooding, poor sanitation, and contaminated drinking water have worsened the situation.

  • In response, the UNHCR is collaborating with various health organizations to enhance cholera prevention efforts and improve health services in affected communities.

  • Experts have warned that starvation has escalated into famine in major camps for displaced people in Darfur, affecting approximately 25.6 million people across the country.

  • The humanitarian response in Sudan is critically underfunded, with only 37% of the required funds secured for the inter-agency response, further complicating relief efforts.

  • The RSF's actions have devastated urban and agricultural areas, leading to unprecedented hunger in regions that were once fertile.

Summary based on 23 sources

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